Google GMail Ads Mocked (by Microsoft?)

Google GMail Ads Mocked (by Microsoft?)

11th August 2011

Back when Google launched GMail and people for the first time saw ads in them everybody was stunned. It was actually the first time that Google got ‘privacy matters’ thrown at them. From that point on the ‘do no evil’ statement was looked at in a different way than before that. Google and Privacy since then never really ‘became friends’.

In this video the ad-functionality within GMail is mocked. In a kind-of-funny way. With the (so it seems) intention to get people away from Gmail onto Office 365. The video seems to be in favor of Microsoft. But if the company is really behind this video? I doubt it…


Written By
Bas van den Beld is an award winning Digital Marketing consultant, trainer and speaker. He is the founder of State of Digital and helps companies develop solid marketing strategies.
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