Bing Homepage Experiment Annoys Users

Bing Homepage Experiment Annoys Users

10th May 2012

In the last couple of days Bing tested a rather unusual feature on the homepage which annoyed a lot of users. Users of Bing that were part of the test got a whole lot of new opened tabs when using the search engine because every time after typing a query and hitting enter a new tab was opened with the results. And this was just in Google Chrome and Firefox and these users were lucky because users of Apple browser Safari had the results opened in a new window… that is…. for every query…. every time….

The result of the test was that a group of users complained on Twitter with some of them thinking it was a bug on the homepage. After to many complaints Microsoft decided to shut down the experiment. “We heard the feedback, and we’re disabling the feature now.” Microsoft sayed.

I also went to Bing and noticed this experiment and can confirm that it’s very frustrating when every query opens up a new tab in Google Chrome, can’t even start to imagine what it feels like for users of Safari.

By the way, there is an option in the settings of Bing that opens every result in a new tab and this can be very helpful, Google has the same option in the settings.


Written By
Michel Wester is the owner of the Dutch website, started in 2004. WebSonic mainly focuses on news about Google, Twitter, and Facebook. Next to the news the site has a lot of tips for PC users and starting web developers.
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