Hangout about the Filter Bubble

Hangout about the Filter Bubble

23rd November 2012

The Filter Bubble, a term first introduced by Eli Pariser, could potentially mean we are getting biased information within Google and Facebook for example, which will narrow our perspective on things. Ned Poulter wrote about it on the site before.

But how big of a deal is it really? And how should we as marketers look at this problem? That was the topic of State of Search’ second Google Hangout.

The hangout was attended by three State of Search bloggers: the author of the article Ned Poulter, Barry Adams and Bas van den Beld. They discussed whether or not there was a filter bubble, the difference between localisation and personalisation, how people should be educated in knowing what it is, both users and clients and finally they discussed how marketers could make use of the bubble.

You can see the entire hangout here:

For an overview of our hangouts and news about upcoming hangouts you can always visit our hangout page.


Written By
Bas van den Beld is an award winning Digital Marketing consultant, trainer and speaker. He is the founder of State of Digital and helps companies develop solid marketing strategies.
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