Linkdex ads more collaboration features

Linkdex ads more collaboration features

13th June 2011

Short tool news: Linkdex has made several changes to their link management tool. The changes are mainly around the collaboration platform, something which in my view makes the tool different from others.

The changes are focussed around tasks and working together.

Matt Roberts of Linkdex reports the following changes:

– Project Team Members, Task Lists & Tags are now independent which means you can select more than one filtering criteria at a time to see your to-dos. For example, you might want to see your link building tasks tagged with “guest posts” that are high priority and due this week.

– Linkdex will now send you an email to alert you when a task has been assigned or re-assigned to you.

– New task lists can be added to the left hand navigation

– Task follower feature: see what other members of your team are doing.

– You can now export more than links. You can export rankings, tasks, link prospects and links built to a CSV file.


Written By
Bas van den Beld is an award winning Digital Marketing consultant, trainer and speaker. He is the founder of State of Digital and helps companies develop solid marketing strategies.
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