Looking for a job in London? Try Google, you’ll get some nice space

Looking for a job in London? Try Google, you’ll get some nice space

2nd February 2011

It could be a job you never want to have, it could also be your dream job: working for Google. If you are based in London working for Google might not be such a bad idea. The search giant is still expanding their services and is looking for some staff. And when you do get the job, you are lucky enough to be working in an environment which many will be jealous of.

Google just opened its new offices in London. The setting is designed by Scott Brownrigg Interior Design. As we are used to by Google it is a stunning place again. Take a look.

If you don’t remember, here is what the Google offices looked like in London:

Not bad either.

Images via The Next Web


Written By
Bas van den Beld is an award winning Digital Marketing consultant, trainer and speaker. He is the founder of State of Digital and helps companies develop solid marketing strategies.
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